How to Handle Your Unbearable Boss

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Handle Your Unbearable Boss

How to handle your unbearable boss



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      Many of us have a struggle making it through work daily. This is not due to the fact that we do not like our jobs this is due to the fact that our bosses make it unbearable. But why let them make our lives miserable and let them win the battle.

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      The best thing to do is go in and do your job and ignore them. Do not let them get to you. Take walks away from them make reasons to get out. This is a little harder for others but even go to the bathroom stay there for 10 minutes and take time to cool off. Remember that you do not have to take your problems at work home with you.

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      If they are claiming you are doing something wrong try doing something different try there suggestions even if they are not right and if they do not work and they see that they are not working and you have an idea that will then suggest it at this point. Be open minded and be willing to be patient because if you lose your cool it only makes it worse.

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